
Yettteul has been serving traditional gamasot sondubu (handmade bean curd cooked in a cast-iron pot) and wild-caught seop guk (mussel soup) for over 30 years. In Gangwon dialect, 'seop' refers to mussels. Their seop guk, a hangover soup, is made with seop (mussels), mushrooms, chives, green onions, and eggs, all simmered in a broth prepared with aged soybean paste and red chili paste. For those looking to explore the area, the restaurant is conveniently located near tourist attractions such as Songjeon Beach and the Osan-ri Prehistoric Site.


  • Representative menu Seop Guk Mussel Soup
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-33-672-7009
  • Opening hours 09 00-15 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day Mondays
  • Treat menu Seop Bibimbap Mussel Modubu Gui Pan-fried Bean Curd


289 Dongmyeong-ro, Sonyang-myeon, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #gangwon-do
  • #yangyang-gun
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