cultural facilities in andong-si, gyeongsangbuk-do, south korea

Traditional Culture Contents Museum

Traditional Culture Contents Museum

Andong's Traditional Culture Contents Museum is the first digital culture museum in Korea, exhibiting digitalized content only, called "digital rel...

Hahoe Mask Museum

Hahoe Mask Museum

Hahoe Mask Museum is located in Andong Hahoe Village, which is both a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Important Folklore Material. Hahoe Village is ...

Andong Soju Traditional Food Museum

Andong Soju Traditional Food Museum

Andong Soju & Traditional Food Museum was established in 1995 to promote and pass down the history and cultural characteristics of Andong Soju (Gye...

Andong Folk Museum

Andong Folk Museum

Andong Folk Museum is located within the Andong Dam Folk Village, a collection of houses and items collected before being submerged after the creat...