Hanmaeum Myeonok Doma Main Store

Hanmaeum Myeonok is a local favorite specializing in Pyeongyang naengmyeon (Pyeongyang cold buckwheat noodles). The most popular items on the menu are the naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) and kimchi bibim (stir-fried kimchi with beef). Their naengmyeon is known for a mild and clean taste, following the Pyongyang style. The kimchi bibim is a specialty, featuring seasoned kimchi and pyeonyuk (boiled pork slices), offering a spicy yet delightful flavors. It's recommended to plan a visit during non-peak hours for a more leisurely dining experience, as it is often crowded during lunchtime.


  • Representative menu Naengmyeon Cold Buckwheat Noodles
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-42-536-0408
  • Opening hours 10 30-20 30
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day N A Open All Year Round
  • Treat menu Kimchi Bibim Stir-fried Kimchi With Beef Sobulgogi Beef Bulgogi


22 Sama 1-gil, Seo-gu, Daejeon


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #daejeon
  • #seo-gu
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