Baengmagang Chamsut Minmul Jangeo

Baengmagang Chamsut Minmul Jangeo is a freshwater eel cuisine specialty restaurant. The signature dish is Korean minmul jangeo gui (grilled freshwater eel) grilled over charcoal, and the menu also includes jangeo tang (spicy eel stew) and somyeon (noodles). Their eels are large and fresh, and the staff grills them for customers, allowing for a comfortable dining experience. Enjoying it with the side dishes served alongside, such as aged kimchi and ginger, even further enhances the meal. 


  • Representative menu Minmul Jangeo Gui Grilled Freshwater Eel
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-42-825-1881
  • Opening hours 11 00-22 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day N A Open All Year Round
  • Treat menu Jangeo Tang Spicy Eel Stew


67 Byeondongjung-ro, Seo-gu, Daejeon


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #daejeon
  • #seo-gu
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