Nogwon Ganjang Gejang

Nogwon Ganjang Gejang is a ganjang gejang (soy sauce marinated crab) specialty restaurant situated near the National Science Museum in Daejeon. Their standout offering is ganjang gejang jeongsik (soy sauce marinated crab set menu). This dish, created by marinating blue crabs in soy sauce, is renowned for its rich aroma and flavor. It pairs exceptionally well with rice, earning it the playful nickname "Bap-doduk (rice thief)," as it tempts diners to finish an entire bowl of rice with ease.


  • Representative menu Ganjang Gejang Jeongsik Soy Sauce Marinated Crab Set Menu
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-42-861-1697
  • Opening hours 10 30-21 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day Sundays The Day And After Seollal Lunar New Year S Day Chuseok Korean Thanksgiving
  • Treat menu Galchi Jorim Jeongsik Braised Cutlassfish Set Menu


544 Daedeok-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #daejeon
  • #yuseong-gu
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