Seonbawi Memil Jangteo

This restaurant serves a delicious and springy bowl of buckwheat noodles prepared in-house. The signature menu here is buckwheat noodles with perilla oil. The best way to enjoy that is to eat all the noodles, then mop up the sauce with half a rice bowl of radish water kimchi. If you like fish, buckwheat noodles with raw pollack is the way to go, while buckwheat noodles with radish water kimchi are a great way to get the refreshing taste of water kimchi. Get some boiled pork slices and sliced raw pollack as a side dish to round out your meal. The restaurant fills up by 11:00 or so, and waiting is mandatory, so visiting early is recommended.


  • Restrooms
  • Representative menu Buckwheat Noodles With Perilla Oil
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-2-504-0122
  • Opening hours 10 30 - 21 20
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day The Day Before And The Of Seollal Lunar New Year S Day Chuseok Korean Thanksgiving
  • Treat menu Braised Chicken And Dried Radish Leaf Shabu-shabu Braised Seafood Buckwheat Noodles With Raw Pollack Water Kimchi Boiled Pork Slices Sliced Green Onion Pancake Soba
  • License number 20070329054


5-7, Dwitgol-ro, Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #gyeonggi-do
  • #gwacheon-si
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