Traditional Tea House Punggyeong

Traditional Tea House Punggyeong in Gwangju specializes in serving rich and savory traditional Korean tea. The interior is decorated in white and wood tones, creating a cozy atmosphere. From the entrance to every corner of the room, there are plants that have been cared for by the store owner, allowing visitors to feel more at ease as they enter the tea house. The drinks are served in a neat tea cup, and their most recommended tea is the house-brewed ssanghwacha (medicinal herb tea). Furthermore, it sells a variety of traditional teas that are great to savor leisurely while resting such as daechu cha (jujube tea), a unique tea with a sweet aftertaste and is known to help treat insomnia; and saenggang cha (ginger tea) with an addition of honey or malt syrup, among others.


  • Representative menu Ssanghwacha Medicinal Herb Tea Daechu Cha Jujube Saenggang Ginger
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-62-515-2077
  • Opening hours 11 00 23
  • Parking facilities Not Available
  • Rest day Sundays
  • Treat menu Americano Hadong Green Tea


96 Unyong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju


  • #bars/cafes
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #gwangju
  • #buk-gu
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