Songjeong Tteokgalbi 1hojeom 1

Songjeong Tteokgalbi 1hojeom is a tteokgalbi (grilled galbi patties) specialty restaurant established in 1976. Located in Songjeong-dong Tteokgalbi Street, it stands out among the twenty or so eateries in the area as a renowned dining destination. The tteokgalbi here boasts a tender texture, made by blending high-quality beef and pork, and it is known for its affordable price. A highlight of dining here is the complimentary bone broth soup served alongside the tteokgalbi, a dish made by simmering pork bones and radish for hours.


  • Representative menu Tteokgalbi Grilled Galbi Patties
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-62-944-1439
  • Opening hours 09 30-21 30
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Reservation information Available 82-62-944-1439
  • Rest day First Monday Of Every Month
  • Non-smoking/Smoking status Non-smoking
  • Treat menu Hanu Tteokgalbi Grilled Korean Beef Galbi Patties Yukhoe Bibimbap Beef Tartare


1 Gwangsan-ro 29beon-gil, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #gwangju
  • #gwangsan-gu
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