Jeju Bakdonga

Jeju Bakdonga is a restaurant renowned for its Jeju Island black pork, with the signature dish being heukdwaeji ogyeopsal gui (grilled skin-on black pork belly). Known for its juicy and chewy texture, the pork is served with ample portions of green onion kimchi and a refreshing green onion salad. For an authentic Jeju experience, guests are encouraged to try dipping the meat in salted anchovies, a local custom. Additionally, the restaurant serves a satisfying beef hangover soup, vegetables for wraps, garlic, and a selection of sauces. The kimchi jjigae, a highlight of their lunch special menu, is also highly recommended.


  • Representative menu Heukdwaeji Ogyeopsal Gui Grilled Skin-on Black Pork Belly
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-42-671-0300
  • Opening hours Weekdays 11 30-21 50 Weekends 17 00-21 30
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day First And Third Saturday Of Every Month
  • Treat menu Hangjeongsal Gui Grilled Pork Neck Yangnyeom Heukdwaeji Marinated Black Kimchi Jjigae


52 Gwandeul 2-gil, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #daejeon
  • #yuseong-gu
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