Bulguksa Hanok Farm Stay Korea Quality

Bulguksa Hanok Farm Stay is an accommodation that offers many programs located right below Bulguksa Temple in Jinhyeon-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do. There is a total of four guest rooms. Every guest room has a bathroom and a kitchen inside. You can also cook in the rooms as they are equipped with cooking appliances such as a rice cooker, microwave, and electric stove. Ouga is a double-story unit, and the guest rooms on the first floor and the second floor are rented separately. On the first floor, there is an ondol room big enough for four people, and the ondol room on the second floor is big enough for three people and has a nice view. Both rooms have a terrace where guests can enjoy a barbecue grill. Bogyeonga also has two guest rooms that are rented separately. All of the rooms are ondol type rooms. In the Bogyeonga building, only room 1 has a double-story structure. Guests staying in the Bogyeonga building can have a barbecue grill in the terrace. A well-maintained garden is surrounding the hanok building, and there is also a 1,000-square-meter foot volleyball court in the lawn. A unique benefit of staying in Bulguksa Hanok Farm Stay is that you can participate in farming programs. You can pick apples from 400 apple trees on the farm. You can also participate in various programs themed on the food crops grown in the farm, including persimmon, quince, blueberry, lettuce, and tomato. Nearby tourist attractions include Bulguksa Temple, Seokguram Grotto, Bomun Tourist Complex, Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond, Cheomseongdae, and Woljeonggyo Bridge in Gyeongju. California Beach (water park) is also closeby.


  • Capacity 21 Guests
  • Check-in time 15 00
  • Check-out time 11 00
  • In-room cooking Available
  • Food and beverage place Available Barbecue Grill
  • Inquiry and guidance 1330 Travel Hotline 82-2-1330 Br Korean English Japanese Chinese For More Info 82-10-5489-1742
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Pickup service N A
  • Number of rooms 4
  • Reservation Available 82-10-5489-1742 82-10-5507-1742 A Href Http Xn--3e0bk91a7kce1hokv.com Theme Basic Reserve1.php Target Blank Title New Page Bulguksa Hanok Farm Stay
  • Room type Ondolroom
  • Scale 3 305.79 M Land Area
  • Facilities other than Foot Volleyball Court Garden Common Kitchen


5-52, Jinti-gil, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do


  • #hanok stays
  • #accommodations
  • #accommodation
  • #hotels
  • #gyeongsangbuk-do
  • #gyeongju-si
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