Soesokkak Estuary

Located in the Seogwipo area of Jeju Island, Soesokkak Estuary was originally called "Soedun," which means a lying ox, and it was only later that it became more widely known as "Soesokkak." "Soe" means an ox, "so" means a pool of water and "kkak" means the end. This is the mouth of the Hyodoncheon Stream. As the fresh water meets the ocean, it broadens into wide, slow-flowing river. Soesokkak Estuary is lined with cliffs of curious lava formations, which are overhung with pine trees. It was chosen as one of hidden picturesque scenery in Chilsip-ri, Seogwi-po, comprised of deep blue ocean, uniquely-shaped rocks formed by lava and a pine forest. Soesokkak Estuary is located in Hahyo-dong on the southern side of Hallasan Mountain. The area is also well-known for its tangerines, and visitors are drawn to the area by the fresh citrus scent. Popular destinations close to Soesokkak Estuary include the famous Jusang Jeolli Cliffs and Jungmun Resort, as well as Cheonjeyeonpokpo Falls.


  • Restrooms Available
  • Admission Fees Free
  • Parking Fees Free
  • Inquiry and guidance 1330 Travel Hotline 82-2-1330 Br Korean English Japanese Chinese For More Info 82-64-732-1562
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Hours of operation Open 24 Hr


128, Soesokkak-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do


  • #valleys
  • #natural sites
  • #nature
  • #tourist attractions
  • #jeju-do
  • #seogwipo-si
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