Saruru Farm

Saruru Farm is a café known for its bright and neat atmosphere, with large windows providing views of rice fields and farms. The café's signature menu items include homemade soft ice cream made from Pocheon ranch's fresh milk and homemade kaymak. They also offer unique ice cream topped with Korean-style toppings like konggomul (roasted soybean powder).


  • Inquiry and guidance 82-507-1327-9066
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day Mondays Tuesdays
  • Hours of operation 11 00-17 00


130 Sanjeonghosu-ro, Yeongbuk-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do


  • #unique experience
  • #experience programs
  • #culture-art-history
  • #tourist attractions
  • #gyeonggi-do
  • #pocheon-si
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