
Jeju Island’s traditional local liquor bottle shop & offline showroom that a traditional liquor sommelier runs. This place curates and recommends Jeju-do sake. There are also programs for learning more than 60 types of Jeju Island’s traditional local liquors and seasonal tasting opportunities. There is a variety of Jeju-do alcohol along the Jeju Sullye-gil, which is prepared with the theme of Jeju-do alcohol.


  • Inquiry and guidance 0507-1419-3023
  • Opening hours 12 00-21 00
  • Holidays Tuesdays And Wednesdays
  • Restroom description Available
  • Sale item Jeju Traditional And Local Alcohol


72-1, Seomun-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do


  • #specialty shops
  • #shopping
  • #jeju-do
  • #jeju-si
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