Jumunjin Fish Market

Jumunjin Fish Market was founded in 1936 and is situated in Gangneung next to Jumunjin Port, home to a large fleet of squid boats. It is the largest seafood market on the east coast and includes a dried seafood market and a hoe (sliced raw fish) center. The market is a favorite among both Koreans and international visitors. Market specialties include a variety of fresh seafood caught on the east coast such as squid, mackerel, pollacks, pikes, and crabs. At the market, visitors can purchase these items and a number of dried seafood products at reasonable prices, as well as get a taste of fresh, delicious hoe.


  • Inquiry and guidance 82-33-661-7302
  • Opening hours Weekdays 07 00-22 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Sale item Squid Mackerel Pike Assorted Hoe Etc.
  • Scale Total Size 5 761 Approx. 70 Stores


38 Sijang-gil, Jumunjin-eup, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do


  • #traditional markets
  • #shopping
  • #gangwon-do
  • #gangneung-si
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