Bubu Yoridan

Bubu Yoridan is a Korean restaurant conveniently situated just 20 minutes away from the Itaewon Special Tourist Zone. Managed by a chef couple with a background in hotel dining, the restaurant specializes in an array of delectable seafood dishes. The standout menu item is the jin hwangje jjim (boiled pork slices and spicy braised seafood), a dish featuring Wando wild octopus, three abalones, and boiled black pork slices. Nearby attractions include Yongsan Park, the National Museum of Korea, the National Theater of Korea, and the Namsan Seoul Tower.


  • Representative menu Jin Hwangje Jjim Boiled Pork Slices And Spicy Braised Seafood
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-2-2295-5886
  • Opening hours 11 00-22 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day N A Open All Year Round
  • Treat menu Gabojingeo Pajeon Cuttlefish And Green Onion Pancake Jeju Heukdwaeji Samgyeop Jjim Braised Black Pork Belly Haemur Odeng Tang Seafood Fishcake Soup


1F, 25-1 Dokseodang-ro 40-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #seoul
  • #seongdong-gu
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