964 Coffee Roastery Neoman Boyeo Croissant

964 Coffee Roastery & Neoman Boyeo Croissant is a spacious café situated near the Natural History Museum of Kyunghee University. Their signature menu item is uyu sogeum ppang (milk cream salted bread), a salted bread filled with milk cream. Salted bread with custard, yellow cheese, and potatoes is also popular. With a dedicated roastery lab, they roast coffee beans to enhance the flavor of the coffee. Additionally, customers can experience coffee bean aroma testing and purchase freshly roasted beans at the store. Nearby attractions include Baebongsan Mountain and the Seoul Uireung Royal Tomb, a UNESCO World Heritage.


  • Representative menu Uyu Sogeum Ppang Milk Cream Salted Bread
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-2-6325-0964
  • Opening hours 11 00-20 00
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day N A Open All Year Round
  • Treat menu Einspanner Croissant Passionfruit Ade


63 Mangu-ro 21-gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul


  • #bars/cafes
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #seoul
  • #dongdaemun-gu
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