Samonim Dongaseu

Samonim Dongaseu is a popular dongaseu (pork cutlet) restaurant despite its location hidden in the alleys. The fresh salad and butter-roast potato are served with the thick and crispy meat. The amount served is plentiful enough to satisfy even the hunger of any grown man.


  • Representative menu Dongaseu
  • Inquiry and guidance 1330 Travel Hotline 82-2-1330 Br Korean English Japanese Chinese
  • Opening hours Monday-saturday 12 00-21 00 Br Break Time 14 00-17
  • Rest day Sundays
  • Treat menu ㆍsamonim Dongaseu Samonim Pork Cutlet Br ㆍmaeun Spicy


39-13, Wausanro-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul


  • #western restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #seoul
  • #mapo-gu
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