
Hayeonok, a naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles) specialty restaurant, is located near Chokseongnu Pavilion, a cultural heritage in Jinju. The signature dish is Jinju bibim naengmyeon (Jinju spicy buckwheat noodles). What sets their naengmyeon apart is the unique addition of yukjeon (pan-fried battered beef) as toppings. Beyond naengmyeon, they also serve bibimbap, gomtang (beef bone soup), and galbi. The restaurant's proximity to attractions like the Jinju National Museum and Jinjuseong Fortress makes it an ideal destination for both dining and exploration.


  • Representative menu Jinju Bibim Naengmyeon Spicy Buckwheat Noodles
  • Inquiry and guidance 82-55-747-2982
  • Opening hours 10 00-20 30
  • Parking facilities Available
  • Rest day N A Open All Year Round
  • Treat menu Bibimbap Galbi


7 Namgang-ro 673beon-gil, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do


  • #korean restaurants
  • #restaurants
  • #food
  • #gyeongsangnam-do
  • #jinju-si
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